I broke down and bought my first Heather Ale today. I was correct in assuming that we could get Williams Bros Brewery's Fraoch Heather Ale in Portland. At $2.79, it's really not a bad price for an imported 12oz bottle, plus it's packaged in this awesome castle four-pack carrier. I'm a big fan of nice packaging, even though many beer lovers think it's unnecessary baggage. I wish I could get my ticket to Scotland for $2.79.
So, my first impression is that this is a great drinkable beer. It is much better than I imagined it would be, and it's a lot lighter in color and body than I thought. I imagined a dark beer with floaty proteins and yeasts. I don't know why, but I did. So, immediately this reminded me of some farmhouse style ale's that Upright in Portland is brewing, and I'm a big fan of their beers. The head was small and didn't last long, the aroma is a pleasant sweet weedy (not pot) smell that reminds me of yarrow. It's balanced very nicely and isn't as powering as yarrow is to taste. It doesn't push me too far over any edges and the malt tastes are nice and round. Has a dry finish. Maybe I'm partially swayed by the amazing history of this beer, but I think I can say that I'm a fan.